PDFSense: visualization of experimental constraints on the nucleon structureOn this webpage, we collect various estimates of sensitivity of hadronic scattering experiments to parton distribution functions (PDFs) obtained using the PDFsense program [download here]. The PDFsense enables users to compute the sensitivity and correlation of experimental data sets and CTEQ PDF sets. Citation policyIf you use the programs or results from this website, please cite Visualizing the sensitivity of hadronic experiments to nucleon
Bo-Ting Wang, T. J. Hobbs, Sean Doyle, Jun Gao, Tie-Jiun Hou, Pavel Nadolsky, and Fredrick I. Olness arXiv:1803.02777 Website development: Bo-Ting Wang, Pavel Nadolsky Other related work: The reader may find this related work also of interest: Dynamical projections for the visualization of PDFSense data
Dianne Cook, Ursula Laa, German Valencia arXiv:1806.09742 This paper uses PDFSense to visualize the sensitivity of hadronic experiments to nucleon structure, and provides dynamic visualisation of high dimensional data. Animations (Acrobat required) are included in the paper. TSV FilesThe .tsv files [download] record the vectors of residuals and their descriptions (metadata) for CTEQ-TEA error PDFs and all points in experimental data sets. The residuals are divided by the root-mean-square of the central values of residuals in each experiment as shown in the paper. for each point in each data set. Users can upload the .tsv files into the TensorFlow Embedding Projector for the PCA or T-SNE analyses, or the .tsv files can be analyzed in Mathematica, Excel, etc.FiguresL2 sensitivities for CT18 PDFs CT14HERA2 NNLO sensitivities
all experimentsWe only show the figures containing at least one data point with a high enough correlation (|Cf|>0.7) or sensitivity (|Sf|>0.25). The link1, link2 record the values of highlighted points and the statistical quantities (Npt, mean, total values, etc) of |Cf| and |Sf| in figures.
Inclusive jet production at the LHCWe only show the figures containing at least one data point with a high enough correlation (|Cf|>0.7) or sensitivity (|Sf|>0.25).The link1, link2 record the values of highlighted points and the statistical quantities (Npt, mean, total values, etc) of |Cf| and |Sf| in figures.
high-pT Z production at the LHCWe only show the figures containing at least one data point with a high enough correlation (|Cf|>0.7) or sensitivity (|Sf|>0.25).The link1, link2 record the values of highlighted points and the statistical quantities (Npt, mean, total values, etc) of |Cf| and |Sf| in figures.
ttbar production at the LHCWe only show the figures containing at least one data point with a high enough correlation (|Cf|>0.7) or sensitivity (|Sf|>0.25).The link1, link2 record the values of highlighted points and the statistical quantities (Npt, mean, total values, etc) of |Cf| and |Sf| in figures.
Charge lepton asymmetry in W boson production at the LHCWe only show the figures containing at least one data point with a high enough correlation (|Cf|>0.7) or sensitivity (|Sf|>0.25).The link1, link2 record the values of highlighted points and the statistical quantities (Npt, mean, total values, etc) of |Cf| and |Sf| in figures.
LHeC DIS pseudo-dataWe only show the figures containing at least one data point with a high enough correlation (|Cf|>0.7) or sensitivity (|Sf|>0.25).The link1, link2 record the values of highlighted points and the statistical quantities (Npt, mean, total values, etc) of |Cf| and |Sf| in figures.